Friday, 8 April 2011

Made it Safely ^.^

Banting has officially gone across Canada and made it to Fond du Lac Saskatchewan.

London to Toronto was short and loud
Toronto to Saskatoon, long and quiet-the time to sleep for some of us and the time to socialize for others. Some watched movies while others read and some just wanted to talk.
Once we hit Saskatoon, it was lunch time. Most just got some Timmies, I know I did,

Then, out of Saskatoon we took a bus to a terminal where we took a 34 seat plane where there was LOTS of lunch casualty :P

Once we got here, we went to Haily's Lodge, where we met our hostess and the principal of the school we're exchanging with. We got to meet our "twins" and got to mingle with the students of  the school.

With everything from talking, to laughing, to eating, to yes even dancing, we certainly had an eventful day.

I would just like to say, I am tired. And, I can't wait to see what they have in store for us tonight after dinner!~

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all arrived safe and sound!
    With such an early start, and a day filled with excitement and anticipation, I bet you all slept well last night. Take lots of photos, soak up all that you can, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!
